Little LOON Tour 2021-22: Let’s Make an Opera!
Our brand new Little LOON production, Let’s Make an Opera, is a music-filled peek into the process of creating an opera. Written and directed by Bradley Greenwald and hosted by some of LOON’s youngest patrons, this pre-recorded 19-minute video is available for on-demand viewing through the end of the 2021-22 school year. Supporting teaching materials include sheet music, a word search, and a template for creating a costume mask.
This video requires a school fee of $100.
To access our Little LOON video productions and supporting teaching materials, please visit our ticketing page and select the productions you are interested in. Once you complete your ticket order, you will receive an email with a unique access code allowing you to watch the video production(s) whenever you want, and however many times you want, until June 10, 2022.
We can’t wait to bring real, live, professional opera to students in school gyms again – until then, do keep in touch, and we’ll “see” you soon via these Little LOON videos!
Performed By:



Hosted By:
Gigi Calland is a 4th grader at Lowell Elementary Nueva Vision in Duluth. When she’s not singing, she can usually be found drawing, baking, swimming, or playing with her cat, Giovanni and puppy, Walter.
Espen Vikre is a 2nd grader at Many Rivers Montessori. In addition to singing, he enjoys dance parties, soccer, all types of skiing and skating, engineering new creations with LEGOs and drawing amazingly intricate worlds.
Paul Gan is a 3rd grader at Many Rivers Montessori. He loves drawing comics, reading, spelling, basketball, soccer, baseball, climbing things, marine biology, Minecraft, and finding the best sticks and stones for his collection all year long.
Stacy Gonzalez Diaz is a 4 grader at Lowell Elementary Nueva Vision in Duluth. She moved here from Guadalajara, Mexico this year. She enjoys playing with her sister, drawing, playing in the snow and learning new winter activities like skiing.
A.J. Kuzel
Eddy Kuzel
Creative Team:

Writer and Director

Scenic Design and Painting


Film Editing

